
Class: Aves: Birds |
Diet: Plants |
Struthioniformes: Ostriches |
Size: body:1.75
- 2.75 m (6 - 9 ft) tall |
Family: Struthionidae:
Ostrich |
Conservation Status:
Non-threatened |
Scientific Name:
Struthio camelus |
Habitat: grassland,
arid land |
Range: Africa:
Parts of Central and Southern Africa |
ostrich is too big to fly but has become so perfectly adapted to high-speed
running that it is the fastest creature on two legs. At speeds of up to
70 km/h (44 mph), it can easily outstrip most enemies. Powerful legs, flexible
knees and supple, two-toed feet are its adaptations for speed. The ostrich
has lost its strong wing feathers, but the male has soft, curling plumes,
once much in demand for fashionable hats and boas. Female birds are slightly
smaller than males and have brownish plumage and off-white wings and tails.
Juveniles are grayish-brown. Ostriches eat mostly plant matter but occasionally
feed on small reptiles.
They are nomadic, wandering in small groups in search of food. At breeding
time, the male collects a harem of 2 to 5 females. One female scrapes a
shallow pit in the ground in which to lay her eggs, and the rest of the
harem probably uses the same nest. The eggs are the biggest laid by any
bird -- the equivalent in volume of about 40 hen's eggs. The male bird
takes over the incubation of the eggs at night and shares in the care of
the young.